Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another Day, Another Warning

Since moving to Southern California, I've realized that earthquakes happen a lot less than I envisioned.  I expected to have at least felt a little rumble or two by now but the ground has remained as stable as it was in NY.  For the past couple weeks I've been following a couple "earthquake prediction" sites that regularly have the warning bell set at 80-90% for a major earthquake, so far its all been a let down, but todays warning is 98% for a 6.9, so maybe I'll get "lucky".  The heat on the other hand has not disappointed, being more near the beach in Orange County than my Los Angeles neighbors, the heat is typically 5-10 degrees cooler, two weeks ago however the heat soared all over the LA metropolitan area and set the highest record ever for LA at 113F.  So at the very least I've already experience half of the apocalyptic weather LA can occasionally produce.  I'll still take it over NY winter though, but I guess we'll have to see if I'm still saying that after the earthquake :P 


  1. thats good man, you should be a writer

  2. yes, the heat here in southern ca is insane! I grew up here so I've learned to adapt.

  3. I haven't experimented an earthquake yet. Must be exciting and frightening.

  4. Phwoar, sounds craaazy. Happy I'm out of range up here in Vancouver :)

  5. at least you dont live where i live

  6. I wish we had earthquakes where I live. Just to spice things up a bit.

  7. i dont have earthquakes were i live but we have denge decease

  8. I live on the west coast too, but earthquakes are like a lottery.. it might happen in your lifetime and it might not, supporting and following
